In retirement
Our financial planning services for those approaching or thinking or about retirement, or already in retirement, focus on ensuring you are getting the most out of your retirement, while making sure you will feel certain about your longer term financial security.

It’s never too late to start planning your future.
Financial planning when you are approaching or already retired has many benefits. It can help you identify where you could be enjoying your life more and where you could be spending more money instead of unnecessarily holding back.
It can help you gain peace of mind that your later life care needs will be funded in a way that aligns with your wishes. And it can help you feel certain that your wealth will be transferred in the most tax efficient way possible to those you want to see benefit from it.
Perhaps most importantly, it will also give you the assurance that you have enough in the pot to last you for the rest of your life.
Clients often ask
Do I have enough money to live the retirement lifestyle I want?
Your retirement is your time to enjoy life and achieve all those long-held ambitions and dreams. Whether it’s moving to the coast, travelling the globe or designing and building your own home, you need to feel sure the cost won’t affect your long-term financial security. We use cutting edge Voyant cash flow modelling technology to predict how much money you are likely to need at each stage of retirement and what you can comfortably afford to spend without it affecting the plan.
Should I downsize?
Whether or not to downsize is an emotive issue, and therefore not one that can be taken on financial considerations alone. If you are considering making a move to somewhere smaller or closer to family, or you’re interested in releasing equity from your home, we’ll ensure you know the pitfalls and possibilities of each option and that you have all the information you need to take a decision that’s right for you, your family and your finances.
Will I be able to fund my later life needs?
Later life care funding can be particularly tricky to navigate. Which is why it pays to make plans and consider your options well in advance of the need. We’ll talk you through what you need to know, help you identify what feels like the right option for you and ensure your finances are set up to support your decisions.
What can I do to lower my Inheritance Tax bill?
Inheritance Tax can run into many thousands – sometimes hundreds of thousands – of pounds. Nobody likes to think of leaving their loved ones with a tax bill, particularly one that can be avoided altogether in some cases, with careful planning. We will help you appraise the different options for transferring wealth and fully utilise all available Inheritance Tax mitigation opportunities.
Why us?
Our clients come to us because they know we can help them prosper. But that’s not the only reason they choose Woburn Street for their financial planning. There’s plenty that makes us stand out from the crowd! Come and find out why our clients join us and stay with us for the journey.